Thursday, November 21, 2019

A2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

A2 - Essay Example The choice of the procurement strategy is justified and maintained throughout the report. The project involves construction of road for the large factory site; the road plan also includes two bridges. As the design phase of the project is complete the next step is to move forward and devise a procurement strategy. Selection of the procurement strategy is the very first phase for the construction of the project. 1. Design and Build: A design and build contract is a unique type of project delivery system used in construction and renovation projects. The client starts with the architectural design after which the tendering is done for the general contracting companies. The client awards the entire contract to a single company which is responsible for all the design and construction work required to complete the project. This system allows the client to deal with a single source throughout the duration of the contract rather than coordinating between various parties. This type of contract simplifies the work of the client. 2. Design, Build and Operate: The design build and operate approach to contracting combines design, construction and long-term operation if a facility into one single contract awarded to a single contractor. The contractor usually is a joint venture or consortium representing all the disciplines and skills required for the DBO arrangement. 3. Design, Build, Operate and Maintain: In this approach the asset is also operated and maintained by the contractor for an extended period of time of 5-15 years or more. It is most likely that the contract conditions are to maintain the asset in a certain state. 4. Traditional Approaches: In addition to these, there are several traditional approaches for a procurement strategy contract under the ECC, these include TSC (training services contract), TSSC (Technical Support Services Contract), PSC (Professional Services Contract) but

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