Monday, December 30, 2019

Reconciling The Divergence Of The Nature Of Man Between...

Reconciling the Divergence of the Nature of Man between Classic and Modern Thinkers Within Book 2 of Plato’s work The Republic, Socrates’ companion Glaucon describes the tale of the ring of Gyges, challenging Socrates on the nature of man. Within the ring of Gyges scenario, Glaucon posits that when an individual has the power granted by a ring of absolute invisibility that grants impunity, â€Å"no one [†¦] would be so incorruptible that he would stay on the path of justice or stay away from other people’s property, when he could take whatever he wanted† (Plato 360c). Glaucon’s question presupposes a pessimistic attitude towards human nature, that individuals only act justly due to societal pressures and retribution. Plato grapples with this idea throughout his work, providing the contention that justice is a state of the soul and that individuals that abuse the power of the ring of Gyges end up suffering due to an imbalance of the soul. Plato ultimately utilizes Glaucon’s argument to frame a major theme within The Republic, a question of the natural tendency of human nature. This question has not only driven the works of Plato, but also of later thinkers including Aristotle and Thomas Hobbes. Each of these authors provides distinct ideas regarding what the authors believe to be the natural state of the human condition. The authors’ beliefs about humanity can best be read in their assessment of what constitutes the natural state of human existence, such as Hobbes’ state ofShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesHistory and September 11th John McMillian and Paul Buhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David M. Scobey, Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape Gerda Lerner, Fireweed: A Political Autobiography Allida M. Black, ed., Modern American Queer History Eric Sandweiss, St. Louis: The Evolution of an American Urban Landscape Sam Wineburg, Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting the Future of Teaching the Past Sharon Hartman Strom, Political Woman: FlorenceRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 Pagesgrow libraries in developing countries | | Contents Preface Overview of the book’s structure 1 Introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Learning objectives The nature of marketing The management process Strategic decisions and the nature of strategy The marketing/strategy interface Summary xi xiii 1 3 3 7 11 19 37 41 43 45 45 50 53 70 71 75 77 79 79 80 81 86 88 89 101 102 104 107 109 Stage One: Where are we now? Strategic and marketing analysisRead MoreCase Study148348 Words   |  594 Pagesyou prepare for your exams †¢ A multi-lingual online glossary to help explain key concepts †¢ Guidance on how to analyse a case study †¢ Links to relevant sites on the web so you can explore more about the organisations featured in the case studies †¢ Classic cases – over 30 case studies from previous editions of the book †¢ The Strategy Experience simulation gives you hands-on experience of strategic analysis and putting strategy into action Resources for instructors †¢ Instructor’s manual, including extensiveRead MoreGame Theory and Economic Analyst83847 Words   |  336 Pagesthe connections between Von Neumann’s mathematical game theory and the domain assigned to it today since Nash the strategic use of information by game players the problem of the coordination of strategic choices between independent players in non-cooperative games cooperative games and their place within the literature of games incentive and the implementation of a collective decision in gametheoretic modeling team games and the implications for ï ¬ rms’ management. The nature of the subject

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Issue Of Domestic Violence - 944 Words

Don t let someone who doesn t know your value tell you how much you re worth. 1 in 4 teenagers report being sexually abused, according to the Centers for Disease Control. â€Å"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention release the results of a survey that found that one out of four women say they have been abused by an intimate partner (â€Å"At Issue†).† The problem with dating violence is that it s becoming more common within adolescents. Males who are exposed to domestic violence are more likely to be abusive in their own relationship. Many people are gaining attention to the situation through television shows, books and movies, etc. â€Å"In the 1840s the temperance movement brings attention to the issue of domestic violence, which the reformers see as a consequence of alcohol use .In 1992 The U.S. Surgeon General ranks domestic violence as the leading cause of injury to women aged 15 to 44.The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that 30 percent of female murder victims were killed by an intimate partner between 1976 and 2004.† Technology is now becoming an accomplice in abusive relationships. It adds a factor of control to the relationship. â€Å"A study published in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence reports that more than 25 percent of teens who dated said they had been threatened or harassed online or by texts by their romantic partners (At Issue).† Today, more teens are being educated on the signs of abusive relationships and are learning about the different resourcesShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Domestic Violence1312 Words   |  6 Pagescasino security and others were trying to help her. Rice, being a public figure, brought the issue of domestic violence to the forefront of all media outlets. For several weeks this was the topic of all new stations, magazines, and internet sites. The public was appalled at Rice’s actions and many were angry at his fiancà © for sticking by him. Many questions arose about Rice’s case and domestic violence in general. For example, â€Å"Doesn ’t he know any better†? â€Å"Why did she go on to marry Rice a monthRead MoreThe Issue Of Domestic Violence959 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Mandatory arrest policies oversimplify the issue of domestic violence, offering a one-size-fits-all solution to a complex social problem† (Zelcer, 2014, p.560). Mandatory arrest laws were created to protect and help victims of domestic violence. However, there have been many issues with this law. Understanding the positive strides made by this law and the negative or unintended consequences allows for a better understanding of mandatory arrest laws and social issues that face society today. Examining theRead MoreThe Issue Of Domestic Violence926 Words   |  4 PagesAmericans generally don t prefer the topic of domestic violence. Us Americans pay the five bucks for People magazine and US Weekly in the checkout line to catch up on the hottest trends and the newest celebrity gossip to carry us through the day, but why is that we skim over the domestic violence ad in the back and don t ponder twice about what they are trying to convey? On the other hand, other countries have recently been speaking their minds loud and clear about this controversial topic. 12Read MoreThe Issue Of Domestic Violence Essay2183 Words   |  9 PagesDomestic violence is one of the worlds best kept secret, as an estimated fifteen percent of violent crimes are accounted by intimate partner violence (, yet it is rarely reported, or resulted in a conviction. This issue is prevalent in the United States, and it is a widely represented population, as there are many resources available to those that are victims of this crime. For this literature review, I was interested to see how this heinous crime is seen within Muslim culture, specificallyRead MoreThe Issue Of Domestic Violence1988 Words   |  8 PagesThe last decade has seen significant developments in the law surrounding domestic violence, as the topic shifted from the fringes of public consciousness to the forefront of government policy. High profile cases such as the 2010 Raoul Moat manhunt elevated the issue both politically and in the public eye, raising serious concerns as to how domestic violence is handled in both the criminal and civil spheres as gaps were exposed in the protection of more vulnerable members of society. Cavanagh (2007)Read MoreThe Issue Of Domestic Violence1527 Words   |  7 PagesWhen we hear about domestic violence, we always assumed that it’s about women. Women are not always the victims, also men, children, elderly or mentally/physically disabled people as well. Victimology is a topic that has been intriguing to me for a while. It certainly has come a long way since 1947 when Benjamin Mendelsohn coined the term. According to all the history that has been provided since that time many improvements have taken place. Such as the accessibility to information regarding theRead MoreThe Issue Of Domestic Violence2302 Words   |  10 Pages Domestic violence has become a hot topic lately in articles, newspapers and even discussions on popular News channels. The controversial topic’s importance was ultimately ignited by the video released by TMZ of Ray Rice, the Ravens star running back, striking his then fiancà ©, Janay Palmer, knocking her unconscious in a casino elevator. Rice proceeds to drag Palmer’s body carelessly out of the elevator and leaves her lying on the floor, still unconscious. The releases of the videos showing whatRead MoreThe Issue Focused On Domestic Violence966 Words   |  4 PagesThe issue focused on is Dome stic Violence; a common yet silent form of battering, harassment , and sexual assault. As explained by Annie, she meets her husband when she was 16 years old. He was five years older than her. Expeditiously they developed a relationship, and she became pregnant. That’s when the abuse began, he would hit her, throw her into walls and leave her helpless in a puddle of her own blood. She was trapped in a world of fear, regret, and slowly began to feel as if all this was herRead MoreDomestic Violence is a Global Issue1347 Words   |  5 PagesDomestic Violence (DV) is a critical social issue that negatively impacts not only our own culture in America but as well as all other cultures around the world. Domestic Violence is a global issue reaching across national boundaries as well as socio-economic, cultural, racial and class distinctions (Kaur Garg 2008). Domestic Violence is a serious problem that can be seen around every society from families of both developed and underdevelo ped countries and of different backgrounds. Although thereRead MoreDomestic Violence : A Global Issue Essay1179 Words   |  5 PagesDomestic violence is a global issue which impacts many individuals in numerous ways. To gain a detailed understanding of both the aggressor and victims of domestic violence I chose to exam the psychological and environmental aspects that may influence this continuous behavior that coincides with the continual cycle of violence. I did this, by taking an in-depth look at the perpetrators who repeatedly use manipulation and violence to dominate and control their victims. Additionally, the victims

Friday, December 13, 2019

Examples in “The Brutal Business of Boxing” Free Essays

â€Å"The Brutal Business of Boxing† written by author John Head, uses all three forms of examples: the extended example, the sentence length example, and the single example. The extended example lies in the form of the entire essay. The entire essay is a description of one person is specific, where physical and personality characteristics are developed paragraph by paragraph. We will write a custom essay sample on Examples in â€Å"The Brutal Business of Boxing† or any similar topic only for you Order Now Due to the fact that the descriptions are centered on one person, this is an extended example. However, sentence length examples are included in every paragraph. Every paragraph in the essay is quite short and centers on providing information around the central topic of the essay, Muhammad Ali. The author uses single examples most often in the essay. Some examples of this are: â€Å"confident, articulate, charismatic† (par. 2); â€Å"lightning quick jabs† (par. 4); and â€Å"slow shuffle† (par. 6). These single examples highlight the character traits that the author would like the reader to envision. â€Å"The Brutal Business of Boxing† uses all three types of examples throughout the essay to develop it. The entire essay is an extended example; each paragraph contains sentence level examples, and each sentence contains colorful single examples. The essay is a wonderful and multi leveled model of an example essay. Reference Head, John. â€Å"The Brutal Business of Boxing. † Found in Wordsmith:A Guide to Writing. 3rd ed. by Pamela Arlov. Prentice Hall: NJ. 2006. p. 589-90. How to cite Examples in â€Å"The Brutal Business of Boxing†, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Evaluating Selecting and Controlling Projects

Question: Discuss about the Evaluating Selecting and Controlling Projects. Answer: Introduction The report presents a project methodology and techniques used to implement construction of a shared footpath in Quota Park. The implementation will take place after the project team was awarded a contract after successful bidding. The location of the project is between Kippen St and Bridge Road sponsored by Mackay regional council. The implementation of the project will require suitable approaches and techniques to achieve the required deliverables. The methodology to undertake in construction of the shared footpath in Quota Park will be on project methodologies and techniques. That will involve contacting a project team forming part of the contractor work to implement the project (Whitaker, S. 2014, 23). The project contractor expectation is to employ project management techniques and tools, and to ensure certain legislations, standards and authorizations are followed. Some of the guidelines and acts to follow include the local government act, AS214-1992 standards, permits, Queens Land building services authorization act and BCIP act. The project overview will include operations, labour, plant, materials, supervision and survey. The project manager will be the project contractor who will take a lead in project initiation, execution, control and closure. The project will commence for a period of 6 months beginning in May 2017. The main expectation of the project is that it will be delivered on time, within budget, and it maintains cultural heritage. The project contractor agrees that, by submitting this Tender Response Form, it is bound by the terms and conditions of, and gives all representations, warranties and acknowledgements required by, the Invitation to Tender and attached documents. The project contractor also agrees that its submission will remain open for acceptance by the Council and will be valid and irrevocable for the Validity Period. They will acknowledge that unless otherwise expressly stated, all terms used in this Tender Response Form have the meaning assigned to them in the Tender Process Terms or associated documents. Project specifications and requirements The project contractor will be guided by the Mackay regional council (MRC) drawings specifications (AI-30695-AI30706) that showed specific and the extent of work to implement the project. The project budget is approximated to be AUD 249,000 as per specifications and requirements. The project inclusion include supply and reinstalling of pipe culverts, concrete footpaths, turf, signage, fencing and pavings associated with traffic. Other specified work is by providing a disposal of existing concrete path into MRC landfill facility and restoration of all disturbed areas. Other requirements that the project will execute will include: site establishment, environment management, drainage development, protection treatments, Earth works, road furniture, segmental paving, landscape, and rehabilitation works. A detailed plan indicating project components approaches, tools and techniques needed to be provided by the contractor. In addition they will need to give plan provided for political uncer tainty, rampant inflations, local contractor politics, and government bureaucracy. The deliverables should cover road furniture by having regulatory, warning and hazard signs, and direction and information signs. The project will employ the PRINCE2 approach during execution of the project. The approach will comprise of seven processes: starting up a project, directing a project, initiating a project, controlling stage, managing a stage boundary, managing product delivery, and closing the project. The PRINCE 2 methodology provides a basis in which the project will be planned, monitored and controlled on various phases by phases. It provides a set of activities required to provide direction, management and delivery of a project. Figure 1 provides a diagrammatic illustration of the methodology to be used to implement the project. Starting up a project This stage involves planning for project viability by carrying out feasibility work ( Martinelli, R. Milosevic, D., 2016, 56). Before the commencement of Quota Park shared footpath feasibility studies and stakeholder analysis will take place. Feasibility will include analysis of several factors including: political, economic, legislations, socio-cultural, technology and environment. Table 1 (appendix i) shows a summary of feasibility study for the project. For example geothermal investigations will be carried out. Stakeholder analysis will be used to establish internal and external parties in the project. The parties will be presented in a communication plan (attached in appendix ii). The plan is suitable in ensuring that information is shared with various stakeholders. According to AS standards clause 331 the project contractor is required to keep records of all parties involved with the project. The Respondent offers to provide the relevant Goods and/or Service to the Council in a ccordance with the information, standards, warranties and representations in the Respondents submission (including this Tender Response Form) and the terms of the Contract. This stage involves defining the work to be performed, provision of decisions, ensuring approvals are done, and seeking the required authorization. Project integration is perhaps one of the most critical aspects of project organizational structure and should be planned at the earliest stages of project development (Heagney, J. 2016, 23). The importance of integrated processes, especially on long-term projects, has become a key requirement of all project management methodologies. A fully integrated project requires integration of the internal and external stakeholders, integration of all contracts, integration among multiple designers and contractors, integration of the projects controls, and integration of the projects financial and governance structures (Kerzner, H., 2013, 34). Building a relationship of shared values requires a commitment that begins at project conception and lasts throughout the life of the project. Shared values are those principles or beliefs that the project pa rticipants agree are the most important and will be given priority over all other principles that may arise as the project evolves. The Quota park shared foot path will require certain, permits and authorization. For example the project will need to comply with National code of practice for the construction industry. It will follow clauses 7.3, 8 of Australian standards guiding insurance for persons, works and property. In addition they need to comply with the local Queen land building services authority act of 1991.In guidance of BCIP act and work, health and safety acts the sub-contract informations needs and employees assurance will follow the MRC drawings as per AS 30695-30706 that specifies works and performance according to required standards. Initiating a project The project methodology stage will involve coming up with a detailed plan for the work, strategies, techniques for various functions and activities (Scholes T, 2013, 23). The project manager will have to set up a project site sign that summarizes project informations like project title, name of contractor, project manager, project objective, other sub-contractors and site supervisors. Example of plans required is provided by project management body and MRC drawings. The project will provide plans for quality, communication, conflict management, monitoring and evaluation, procurement, budget estimates, environmental management, and scheduling plans (Mitchell L Springer, 2016, 45). Table 3 (appendix iii) shows overall project management plan for the project. AS clause 33.1 requires the contractor to provide for communication needs, while AS clause 29 requires a conflict management plan is developed to indicate how disputes will be mitigated. Environmental management plan will be formul ated to cover pollutions, stressors, and afflatus to the environment. In applicability table 4 (appendix iv) show several templates and plans for the project. Project manager will provide project charter signpost showing summary details of the project (Kendrik. T, 2014, 23). Financial structure is the manner in which the project is funded, whether through public or private financing, equity, debt, or revenue streams. It also addresses the sequencing and core principles of project finance. The important aspect of project financial structure is not just the source of funding but also the transparency with which the funding is budgeted, allocated, and disbursed (Mitchell L Springer, 2016, 23). The project management stage involves following the various standards and controls to ensure that activities are implemented as per required specifications and client satisfaction (Meredith, J 2014, 23). MRC in its drawings provided the required standards to be followed by the contractors. The project contractor will be highly responsible for ensuring all controls are followed and executed (Nutt, P. 2014, 23). Protection of the site will be done by having fence erected on the project site. The project will implement the following controls: a site control that will not allow fires in the sites. A quality management control plan will be submitted to cover document controls, sub-contractors controls, inspection testings, and non-conformance reports. Council is dedicated to promoting and improving standards of Health and Safety to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all of its workers, contractors, visitors, customers/clients and the public in general. The project team will provide guidelines in which heritage culture, safety, health and environment will be maintained. Managing a stage boundary The stage will cover the work to be done and project plan to ensure execution and delivery of a project (Rapp, R. 2014, 35). The project manager will be the main accounting person. The project manager who is the principal contractor will carry out the following functions: will remain on the site, facilitate invoicing and payments, carrying out participation consultations, solving construction issues, carrying out meetings, delivery of construction program, and ensuring project deliverables are achieved (De Roo, G. Hillier, J., 2016, 23). The following information is disclosed for the purposes of this Tender. The Respondent must provide details of any actual, perceived or potential Conflicts of Interest that exist or may arise in connection with the making and/or formation of any Contract. The construction management plan and various milestones as per MRC drawings is provided in summary in tables (appendix iv). The stage will involve formulation of review progress scheme and a plan used to plan for each of the stages (Kathy S., 2015, 56). To ensure accountability and ownership the contractor will ensure that members of the public are accessible to Quota park facilities at all times. The project manager will be providing durations that will allow inspection and review testing. In addition non-conformance reports will be provided on a periodic basis to various interested stakeholders. Appendix v provides checklists for various items that will ensure the product is delivered, status reported and performance received. This is the last stage in project delivery. Project closure stage is important in ensuring that the project is terminated or closed. It will occur when project deliverables have been achieved and MRC are satisfied with the output. A certificate of practical completion will be issued within 14 after completion of the project. The certificate will indicate the date of completing the project. Final payment will then take place and handing over ceremony. Table 6 (appendix vi) shows checklists of items and events taking place during project closure. Conclusion The use of PRINCE2 is a simplified procedure that shows two critical processes (planning execution) that project management have used to implement the Quota park shared foot path. The methodology simplifies the complexity expected of the project. It has ensured that documentations, legislations, strategies, techniques and tools for projects have been taken in consideration. The report indicated the description of the methodology to be employed. PRINCE2 was the methodology that was used which explained the project implementation based on the methodology processes. Justification was based on the various documentations and plans for conflict management, monitoring and evaluation, quality management, controls and project scheduling plans. It summary it has provide stages in which Quota Park shared footpath has been planned, managed, monitored and controlled. References lists De Roo, G. and Hillier, J., 2016. Complexity and planning: Systems, assemblages and simulations. Routledge. Heagney, J., 2016. Fundamentals of project management. AMACOM Div. American Mgmt. Assn. Kathy S., 2015. Information technology project management, Boston: United States, pages 89-64 Retrieved from: (26/5/2016). Kendrik. T, 2014. The project management tool kit, New Delhi: India, Prentice Hall. Kerzner, H., 2013. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Koehler, C. 2015. Project planning and management Technique. Public Administration Review, 43(5), 459-466.:1. Retrieved from (29/5/2016) Martinelli, R.J. and Milosevic, D.Z., 2016. Project management toolbox: tools and techniques for the practicing project manager. John Wiley Sons. Meredith, J 2014. Project management: managerial approach, London: UK, Wiley publishers Mitchell L Springer, 2016. Program management competencies; in Project and Program Management: A Competency-Based Approach, (Third Edition). Purdue University Press. Retrieved from: (27/5/2016). Mitchell L Springer 2016. The Importance of program/project Management. In Project and Program Management: A Competency-Based Approach, Third Edition. Purdue University Press. Nutt, P. 2014. Implementation approaches for project planning. The Academy of Management Review, 8(4), 600-611. Retrieved from (28/5/16) Petronila, A., 2014. Project Management Plan. Docs. School Publications. PMBOK. 2014. project management tool kit, Project management institute, pp. 2-123. Rapp, R. 2014. The project environment and manager. In Disaster Recovery Project Management: Bringing Order from Chaos (pp. 23-42). Purdue University Press. Retrieved from (28/5/2016). Scholes T, 2013, Evaluating, selecting and controlling projects, New York, US. American Association. Whitaker, S. 2014. the benefits of tailoring: making a project management methodology, New Town Square: USA, PMI Retrieved from: (28/5/2016).

Monday, November 25, 2019

Gays in US essays

Gays in US essays At this time, all states have an explicit ban on same sex marriages. Each state has gone at one time or another and made the decision to not allow same sex marriages. This primarily started in 1996 when conservatives and religious groups pushed through Congress, The Defense of Marriage Act which allows each state to set its own rules against, or for, same-sex marriages. Since then, the act and similar legislation has been adopted by 38 of the 50 states. Those congressional votes, and the passage of similar defense-of-marriage laws in 38 states, express an overwhelming consensus in our country for protecting the institution of marriage. Gay advocacy groups have been actively challenging the law, which they claim violates a constitutional equal rights guarantees, barring discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. This constitutional amendment comes at a time when individual states have started to make their own laws concerning the subject of same-sex marriages. San Francisco authorities have married over three thousand couples in a defiance of law and have made this a high-profile case. This is in direct violation of proposition 22 which was passed in March of 2000 by a 61% to 39% by the Californian voters, which calls for a ban on recognizing such marriages. This is one of the reasons that Bush has had to act so quickly on the banning of same-sex marriages. "A few judges and local authorities are presuming to change the most fundamental institution of civilization. Their actions have created confusion on an issue that requires clarity," Bush said in the ornate Roosevelt Room. Bush also noted that a constitutional provision known as the "full faith and credit" clause can be read to require all states to recognize same-sex marriages performed in just one state. "Marriage cannot be severed fro m its cultural, religious and natural roots without weakening the good influence of society. Government, by recognizing and ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

A2 - Essay Example The choice of the procurement strategy is justified and maintained throughout the report. The project involves construction of road for the large factory site; the road plan also includes two bridges. As the design phase of the project is complete the next step is to move forward and devise a procurement strategy. Selection of the procurement strategy is the very first phase for the construction of the project. 1. Design and Build: A design and build contract is a unique type of project delivery system used in construction and renovation projects. The client starts with the architectural design after which the tendering is done for the general contracting companies. The client awards the entire contract to a single company which is responsible for all the design and construction work required to complete the project. This system allows the client to deal with a single source throughout the duration of the contract rather than coordinating between various parties. This type of contract simplifies the work of the client. 2. Design, Build and Operate: The design build and operate approach to contracting combines design, construction and long-term operation if a facility into one single contract awarded to a single contractor. The contractor usually is a joint venture or consortium representing all the disciplines and skills required for the DBO arrangement. 3. Design, Build, Operate and Maintain: In this approach the asset is also operated and maintained by the contractor for an extended period of time of 5-15 years or more. It is most likely that the contract conditions are to maintain the asset in a certain state. 4. Traditional Approaches: In addition to these, there are several traditional approaches for a procurement strategy contract under the ECC, these include TSC (training services contract), TSSC (Technical Support Services Contract), PSC (Professional Services Contract) but

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Anheuser-Busch and Harbin Brewery Group Case Study

Anheuser-Busch and Harbin Brewery Group - Case Study Example Harbin Brewery acquisition cost was the highest in China years 2002-2004 and accounted for $28.4 mm. Harbin Brewery was the leader in selling beer in all three segments in Heilongjiang where the per capita consumption was 36 liters, double the national average. However, the high consumption rate has left no opportunity for further growth and the company was forced either to live with the existing sales level or to expand nationally. The acquisition by Anheuser-Busch allowed Harbin Brewery to meet its growth objectives and gain national identity. B/C. Governance and Top Management: Anheuser-Busch, being very interested in expanding to China, has experienced the number of small and big acquisitions of the national and regional breweries. Chinese beer market is very fragmented and the top five firms account only for 38 percent of the market. Anheuser-Busch has bought the minority ownership position in the Tsingtao premier brewer on 2002 in order to gain the access to brewing capacities and distribution channels. Harbin Brewery Group has also experienced numerous ownership changes since 2001. In 2002 the firm has went public with 41 percent of shares distributed to public. On June 1 2004 Anheuser-Busch held 37.4 percent in Harbin. The current CEO of Harbin is Peter Lo who has supported the acquisition of his firm by Anheuser-Busch and is expecting to experience significant expansion of Harbin brands on the national and international markets. II. External Environment (Opportunities and Threats) A. General Environment: Chinese beer market is the greatest in the world since late 1990s with the solid sales growth of more than 40 percent in the recent five years. With the largest sales volume globally, the average sales price is still relatively low, confirming the growth potential for domestic and foreign brewers. In addition, there is significant growth in the target population for beer and rise in the average income. Chinese consumers do not have loyalty to the particular brands, while they favor the domestic brews (99.5 percent of all consumed beer). The acquisition of Harbin by Anheuser-Busch and low level of competition, gives the company the opportunity to gain the loyalty of major segment of beer consumers. B/C. Industry Environment and Summary of External Forces: In overall the Chinese beer market is very attractive - the growth of sales and increasing number of consumers reduces the number of competitors. Even though the threat of substitute is high, the supplier power threat is not significant. Nevertheless, the manufacturing infrastructure and personnel problems make it almost impossible for Harbin to uniform the high quality of the product. III. Internal Environment (Strengths and Weaknesses) A/B Corporate Structure and Culture: The Harbin Brewery, as the part of Anheuser-Busch, did not change the structure and culture. Taking into account the current problems with personnel training and lack of skilled professionals, the workforce is culturally diverse. C. Organizational Activities Analysis: Harbin is not outperforming its competitors (Tsingtao, China Resources Enterprises, Beijing Yanjing Group, and Guangzhou) from both financial and market

Monday, November 18, 2019

How Attitudes Are Formed Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How Attitudes Are Formed - Essay Example Attitudes once formed play a vital role in governing the behaviors of the people (Albarracin, Johnson & Zanna, 2005). Many factors can have an influence on forming the attitude of the people, which includes learning from social environment, evaluation of social aspects, personal beliefs, cultural and religious norms, heredity factors, and personal or family life experiences. Since the attitude is directly in proportion to behaviors and behaviors have a direct impact on the actions of an individual, therefore, a positive attitude can only come under formation when one’s perception is optimistic. Cognitive, behavioral, and affective components also help in forming one’s attitude. There can be many theories that define how a person can form his attitude, amongst which two theories – Mere Exposure and Classical Conditioning comes under discussion below (Albarracin, Johnson & Zanna, 2005). Mere Exposure is one theory that defines that a recurring confrontation with an object or a person presides over the fondness of an individual as it influences the perception. For example, if a person is repeatedly watching a television serial or listens to a song repeatedly, each time his understanding of the images he watch or the sound he listen becomes better and his perception transforms into either his liking or boredom (Fiske, 2010).

Friday, November 15, 2019

Development of Preschool Children

Development of Preschool Children 3 and 4-year-old children are often referred to as preschoolers. Preschool children want to become more independent and do things for themselves. They are enthusiastic about learning and acquire their knowledge through experiences and playing. Their motor, social, emotional, cognitive, and language skills all developing, as they try to gain inner control. Preschoolers want to establish themselves as individuals and can more easily express their needs since they have a greater grasp of language. The preschoolers body is continuing to lose baby fat and gain muscle. Their arms and legs are becoming more slender and their upper body more narrow and tapered. Some children grow taller so much more quickly than they gain weight and muscle, that they may begin to look somewhat skinny and fragile. This doesnt mean that they are unhealthy or that anything is wrong; some children just fill out gradually as their muscles develop. Most preschoolers grow about 2 to 3 inches in height and gain about 5 pounds each year. Also boys tend to be slightly larger than girls (Berk, 2008). A childs face also will mature during this time. The length of their skull will increase a little, and the lower jaw becomes more pronounced. At the same time, the upper jaw will widen to make room for their permanent teeth. Because of this growth, their face actually will become larger and their features appear more distinct. Children are playful by nature. Their earliest experiences of exploring with their senses lead them to play, by themselves at first and then eventually with others. Usually between 4 and 5 years old, preschoolers discover that they share similar interests and seek out kids who are like themselves. They discuss, negotiate and come up with ways to create elaborate play scenes; take turns; and work together toward mutual goals. Childrens play can be divided into 4 categories, some of which overlap. Dramatic play is fantasy-directed play like dressing up in costumes, pretending to be different characters, using toys to represent characters in stories, and creating imaginary settings. Some examples of manipulative play are using small toys like blocks or Legos to build objects, putting together puzzles, and making bead necklaces. Physical play uses the whole body in activities with bikes, balls, jump ropes, hoops, and play structures. In creative play children use art materials such as paint, clay, markers, pencils, glue, etc. Preschoolers improve their mobility skills through a variety of motor activities involving the entire body. Gross-motor development includes locomotor dexterity, which requires balance and movement, and upper-body and arm skills. Examples of locomotor skills are jumping, hopping, running, and climbing. Toddlers can climb up one step at a time, but preschoolers can use alternating feet to climb stairs. Most preschoolers progress from riding a tricycle to a bicycle, and some older preschoolers are able to roller-skate. Two basic upper-body and arm skills developed during the preschool years are throwing and catching a ball. Preschool children gain more precision in fine-motor development between 3 and 5 years old. They attain more control of finger movement, which lets them become capable of using small materials that require grasping and control. According to the National network for child care some milestones in gross and motor skills in preschoolers include hopping on one foot, galloping, beginning to skip, pumping themselves on a swing, zipping, snapping and unbuttoning, cutting, lacing and making representational pictures like house, people or flowers (Malley, 1991). During the preschool years children are in the preoperational stage. Throughout this stage children think in terms of concrete materials, believe that everyone thinks as they think, are perceptually bound and make judgments based primarily on how things look (Morrison, 2009). In the preoperational stage, children are very heavily influenced by their perceptions and do not fully grasp the concept of conversation. Children who have trouble with conservation have trouble understanding that the quantity of something can stay the same regardless of physical transformations. One example of this is if a child is shown 2 identical cups filled with the same amount of beans, and then you pour the beans into 2 different size cups, a child will think that one cup has more beans, not understanding that the same number of beans is in each cup. Another characteristic of the preoperational stage is egocentrism, which is the failure to distinguish the symbolic viewpoints of others from ones own (Berk, 2008 pg325). Children also have trouble with logic and abstract thinking during this stage, because so much of their knowledge is based on their perception. Being in the preoperational stage comes with some key changes in thinking and cognitive development. In addition to acquiring language, children also start to discover fantasy and imagination. With developing language skills comes the awareness of that something can be represented even though it is not seen. For example, the word balloon describes a balloon, just like the image of a balloon does, even if the balloon itself isnt actually visible. Children also start to use their imagination by pretending that objects are other things, transforming sticks into swords, big boxes into houses, and dirt into a racetrack. Preschoolers sometimes have imaginary friends. They have a tendency to brag and can be bossy towards their peers. They have a desire to feel important and worthwhile. At times they can be aggressive but enjoy being with other children and want to make friends. They like to pretend to be important adults such as a teacher, parent, doctor, shop owner or police officer. They want and seek out praise for their achievements. Social experience, along with cognitive development, contributes to gains in emotional understanding (Berk, 2008 pg 370).Emotional understanding is a childs ability to express his or her emotions appropriately, to correctly understand other peoples emotions, and to understand the outcomes of certain emotions. Children with high levels of emotional understanding can cope with their own or other peoples emotions in a way that creates positive social interactions. Preschoolers usually start to develop self-conscious emotions as they start evaluating themselves, instead of simply reacting to peers or adults evaluations. For example, a toddler may be perfectly happy coloring all over themselves from head to toe with markers, but wont experience guilt or shame until someone expresses their displeasure at the situation. A preschooler may still enjoy drawing on themselves, but as soon as they see a parent coming, shame and guilt may surface as a result of considering their appearance. A chil d may also now experience a sense of pride when Mom or Dad says, You did a great job cleaning up your mess. Preschool is a time when children start to develop friendships with their peers and this is essential for positive social and emotional development. Preschoolers think of a friend as someone they have fun with and are willing to share their belongings with. Preschoolers give twice as much reinforcement-greeting praise and compliance-to children they identify as friendsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦they are more cooperative and emotionally expressive-talking, laughing, and looking at each other more than nonfriends do(Berk, 2008 pg 376).While preschoolers understand the uniqueness of friendship their concept of it is still immature. They can be best friends with a peer one day and not like them at all the next. Parents can influence their childs early peer relationships both directly and indirectly, by giving their child more frequent social experiences, discouraging teasing, being emotionally positive and demonstrating cooperative play. Social experiences are critical in the development of a preschoolers moral understanding. Disagreements with siblings or peers over toys, taking turns or ideas give children their first concepts of fairness and justice. Children also learn by observing how their parents react when then have broken a rule and the way they talk about moral issues. Children who are advanced in moral understanding usually have parents who can adapt the way they communicate with their child about honesty, arguments and sharing in a way the child can easily understand. During preschool children have a massive increase in language development. This escalation in language skills represents the development of cognitive abilities. Children become more complex thinkers and these changes are exhibited in their language. Preschoolers are curious about language and rely progressively more on language to make their wants and needs known to adults and peers. Preschoolers can learn an average of 5 new words a day increasing their vocabulary from 200 words at age 2 to 10,000 words by age 6 (Berk, 2008 pg 356). To build their vocabulary so quickly, children use the fast mapping process where they connect a new word with a primary concept shortly after being introduced to the new word. There are different theories on how children acquire their vocabulary. Some theorists believe that children are naturally predisposed to distinguish word meaning using mutual exclusivity, which is a childs assumption that words refer to entirely separate categories (Berk, 2008). These theorists also believe that syntactic bootstrapping, which is the discovery of word meanings by observation of how words are use in the structure of a sentence, plays a major part in language development (Berk, 2008). Another theory is that word learning is controlled by the same cognitive strategies that children apply to nonlinguistic information. These strategies become more e ffective as childrens information processing, communication skills, vocabulary size, knowledge of categories and mastery of syntax improve (Berk, 2008 pg 357). Generally preschoolers can use simple sentences that follow a subject-verb-object order. Once they have mastered three word sentences they start to make small additions and changes in words that allows them to express word meanings in different ways and more efficiently. As with vocabulary development there are different theories on grammatical development; from the use of semantic bootstrapping (using word meanings to figure out grammatical rules), to the belief that children master grammar through direct observation, and including the idea that they have a special language making capacity for assessing the language they hear and develops the discovery of grammatical regularities. Preschool children have typically well developed conversation skills. They use gestures and objects to assist them in conveying their meaning. By 4 years old a child can adapt their conversation to fit the age, sex, and social status of the person theyre talking to. Their conversations tend to be less mature in highly demanding situations (like while on the telephone) where they cannot see the other person or use conversational aids (Berk, 2008). There are several ways in which parents and teachers can enhance all the developmental skills of a preschooler. Some activities that enhance physical and motor skills are dancing, swinging, sandbox play, throwing, playing with play dough and finger puppets, putting puzzles together, drawing, and stringing and lacing activities. Through directed and undirected play, children are naturally able to practice and learn both gross and fine motor skills and coordination (Snuggs, 2008). Enhancing cognitive development is about strengthening and exercising a childs thinking skills, not just giving them information. Activities like hide and seek (using variations of counting), Simon Says, I Spy and board games like Memory, Connect Four and Tic Tac Toe are all beneficial ways to enhance a preschoolers cognitive development. Planning activities in which the children have to work and plan together, helps build their social skills. Providing an opportunity for different personalities to interact, plan and work together, preschool children will learn the skills of compromise and sharing, while developing their social and emotional skills. A class play is an ideal group activity for the children to participate in. The most important thing we can do to ensure healthy social and emotional development is to be a positive role model. By being trustworthy, caring, and patient role models, we can help children develop a positive attitude. By showing respect to our children we help them learn to show respect for others. In order to enhance positive language development in preschoolers it is important to be patient while they are talking and give them time to express themselves. A few activities that can help further their development are having them draw a picture and make up a story about it, singing songs and using word play and letters to build the childrens phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge and vocabulary. I believe that each preschooler is a unique individual who needs a secure, caring, and stimulating environment where they can grow and develop emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially. Parents and teachers should adapt to the needs of each child so that they can feel capable and successful.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Top 5 College Basketball Teams of All Time :: essays research papers

"They are very, very, very good." But are they one of the greatest teams of all time? 1. 1968 UCLA Bruins (29-1) Hard to pick just one of the Lew Alcindor squads as the best, so we defer to John Wooden: "I've never come out and said it, but it would be hard to pick a team over the 1968 team." The Bruins, playing with an injured Alcindor, suffered a mid-season loss to Houston and Elvin Hayes in the Astrodome, but proved that was a fluke in the tourney semifinal, burying the Cougars 101-69. The final was also cake, a 78-55 win over UNC. How'd they do it? To start, they had Alcindor, the best player in college basketball history, who averaged 26 points and 16 rebounds per game. Junior guard Lucius Allen, senior Mike Warren, Jr., Lynn Shackleford and senior Mike Lynn also averaged in double figures for the season. 2. 1996 Kentucky Wildcats (34-2) Rick Pitino's Wildcats were so good that they could have been a decent NBA team in 1995-96 -- Antoine Walker, Tony Delk, Walter McCarty, Derek Anderson and Ron Mercer would all be first-round picks, and Mark Pope was a second-round draft choice. Even though Kentucky lost two regular-season games, they established themselves as one of the all-time great teams by destroying the competition in the Big Dance, winning their six tourney games by an average of 21 points. The Wildcats were, by far, the deepest team in recent college basketball history, with so many stars that some were amazed that Pitino was able to keep it all together. "Rick's done a phenomenal job," Providence coach Pete Gillen said. "I mean, how does he keep Ron Mercer happy playing 12 minutes a game? This guy was maybe the No. 1 high school player in the country last year, according to some magazines or newspapers or gurus. Rick's got to be the greatest psychologist since Sigmund Freud. He's my idol. He could sell freaking snow to the Eskimos. It's unbelievable." 3. 1976 Indiana Hoosiers (32-0) Over the two seasons that culminated in their 1976 national championship, the Hoosiers, coached by the ornery Bob Knight, went 63-1. To win the title in Philly, Indiana, behind a combined 51 points from Scott May and Kent Benson and a great all-around performance by Quinn Buckner, defeated Big Ten rival Michigan, 86-68. To get to the final, Indiana had defeated the 1975 national champion UCLA Bruins.